Wednesday, June 8, 2011

First couple days in Moscow

Ok so it’s my fifth day in Russia and I have some ground to make up. I decided to start a blog because it’s much easier for family and friends and whoever else cares to keep up with what i’m doing here. Writing to 500 people a day about the same thing gets a little monotonous!  So here we go:

Day 1: Well Friday seemed like it was the length of three days, but it was only Friday! We are 8 hours ahead of the states so we all tried not to go to bed so we could try to beat jetlag ASAP. Well we spent a ridiculously long time in the airport waiting for our flight, so we all went and just sat and got to know each other. The flight was possibly one of the longest 10 hours of my life. I was so uncomftorable, my lower back was aching so bad, and I couldn’t fall asleep. On the plus side i got to talk to a Russian grandma in half russian/half english and she kept feeding me goldfish like they were a delicacy. It took a quick catnap and i woke up just in time to see the most amazing sight ever. I look down right as we were flying over New York City! The Chrysler building was lit up and it was just so beautiful. Then i look up and the sky was a rainbow! It wasn’t a rainbow in the sky, but the way night was falling across the east coast created the most beautiful rainbow sky. Well hours upon hours and 2 gross airplane meals later, we landed in Moscow (pronounced Moskva). Well we went to our dorms and checked in. There is only one shower for all 10 of us to share and no AC :( … but i’m in Russia and that’s all that matters! Our teacher took us to a pizza place because none of us were feeling adventurous after that long trip. It was really good and surprisingly our waiter was really nice and patient with us as we tried to order. I think he actually thought it was cool.. which is opposite of EVERYONE else. People just give you dirty looks if you speak English too loud. After that we went to a supermarket and got some groceries. For all of you who were warning me not to get “taken” there is a 29 year old marine here who is amazing and is always making sure we’re ok. I feel safter around him than i do in the gritty! We decided to take a night trip to the red square… crazzzzzy! We hopped on the Moscow Metro.. I was terrified.. we couldn’t understand the signs, we had no idea where we were going, and the subways are huuuuuge, but sometimes you just have to dive in head first. I asked for directions in Russian twice.. I was so excited… even though one time the guy replied “In English please”… anyways it was TOTALLY worth it. Not only is the red square gorgeous, but at night it is breath taking! 

Day 2: Basically we just explored the city. We walked around not knowing what we were looking at but had a blast exploring!

Day 3: We went on a long tour 5 hour tour of Moscow and we got to see a bunch of sites we already found ourselves, but it was nice to know what they actually were. We saw the KGB headquarters, a bunch on monuments, we went to a famous cememtary where gobachev's wife, stalin's wife, chexov, and a bunch of other famous people were buried. We ran into some Machester United players in the red square and got a picture with them which was really cool!  We then went to a monastery called Novodevichy... actually it might be a convent.. i'm not sure haha.. our guide spoke really fast and she was Russian so she had an accent! But it sits atop a hill over looking a lake that inspired Swan Lake! It was gorgeous!
Well thats about it for now! Miss all of you!

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